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A (very) simple game to showcase the power of HTML5 + WebSockets and the use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs within an application.

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A (very) simple game to showcase the power of HTML5 + WebSockets and the use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs within an application.

It is based on the mozilla-festival repository by Rob Hawkes (@robhawkes).

The server side code is written in Node.js with Socket.IO.

I used the AWS SDK for Node.js to log client connections/disconnections in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue.

The game is using WebSockets for bidirectional communication between clients (i.e. browsers) and server. I used Redis (managed by ElastiCache) for session data.

You can use the accelerometer of a (mobile) device to move. You can check if your device supports “DeviceOrientation” events here.

This is a work-in-progress as I'm going to add other sample features in the (near?) future.

The latest version is currently deployed here (I used AWS Elastic Beanstalk):

Any feedback is welcome! :)


Copyright (c) 2013 Danilo Poccia,

This code is licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). Please see the LICENSE file that accompanies this project for the terms of use.

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